Su Jia

Email: sj693 at cornell dot edu
CV: Curriculum Vitae

I am an assistant research professor (postdoc) in the Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society (CDSES) at Cornell University. I am interested in solving problems in revenue management and healthcare using tools from applied probability and discrete optimization. My recent work is on online controlled experiments ("A/B testing").

My research has been recognized by the INFORMS Pierskalla Best Paper Award in Health Applications in 2021 and the Dantzig Dissertation Award in Operations Research and Management Science in 2022.

I earned my PhD degree in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO) from CMU, advised by R. Ravi and Andrew Li. I received my MS degree from Stony Brook University where I worked with Joseph Mitchell and Jie Gao, and BS degree in Mathematics from Tsinghua University.

PhD Thesis. My doctoral research is primarily concentrated on online learning and optimization which studies strategies for making well-informed decisions with a stream of data. Here is a condensed version of my thesis:
Learning and Earning Under Noise and Uncertainty.
Committee: R. Ravi (Chair), Andrew A. Li, Alan Scheller-Wolf and Sridhar Tayur.

Publications and Preprints

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